Willow Class
Welcome to Year 5!
The children have made a great start to the new term and are already busy with the learning.
Information for parents:
meet the teacher meeting 2024.pdf
Below is the full overview for this half term.
As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to speak to one of us.
- Mr. Dyke & Adele
year 5 autumn 1 parent overview.pdf
Below is an overview of the year 5 curriculum topics for this academic year:
We are currently reading 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore' by W. E. Joyce.
History - Walk Like and Egyptian
Our History topic this term is Ancient Egypt. We will explore sources of evidence such as artefacts, we will consider aspects of daily life and create a timeline charting the key events and achievements of the civilisation. We are hoping to visit a museum to see authentic and replica artefacts to further our learning about this fascinating civilisation.
Science - Properties of Materials
As scientists, we will be looking at materials and their properties. We will experiment with mixing and dissolving materials and explore the differences between reversible and irreversible changes. The children will also find out about the uses of different materials.
BBC Properties of Materials Homework Help
In RE, we will be focusing on Islam. We will learn about the five pillars of Islam, the importance of fasting during Ramadan, and the meaning of Id ul Fitr and Zakat al Fitr.
BBC BitesizeHomework
Homework is set every Friday to be returned the following Friday.
All homework is posted on Google Classroom in case extra copies are needed.
Other useful websites:
The children have individual logins for these websites in their reading diaries.
TT Rockstars Accelerated Reader - Quizzes MyOn - Online books and audiobooks
Willow Class 2023-24
Welcome to Year 5!
The children have made a great start to the new term and are already busy with their learning.
Below is the full overview for this half term.
As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to speak to one of us.
Miss Darbourne, Sue and Rosa
year 5 summer 1 parent overview.pdf
We are currently reading 'Pig Heart Boy' by Malorie Blackman.
Malorie Blackman Pig Heart Boy Audiobook
Geography - Hola Mexico!
In Geography, we are learning about the geography of Mexico and London, as well as the continent of North America. We will explore the human and physical features of Mexico, including the climate. We will also develop our understanding and use of a range of maps and atlases.
BBC Bitesize GeographyThe geography of North America (Continent) Where is North America? BBC Primary Geography - MexicoMexico - National Geographic Mexico - Britannica Kids
Science - Light
In Science, we are exploring the way that light behaves, including light sources, reflection and shadows. We will learn how we see things and how the eye works. We will work scientifically to conduct investigations.
BBC Bitesize - What is light? BBC Bitesize - How does the eye detect light? BBC Bitesize - What is reflection? BBC Bitesize - Light and Shadows BBC Bitesize - Why are shadows made? Nat Geo Kids - Light and lenses Nat Geo Kids - Your Amazing Eyes!
In RE, we are learning about Judaism and the significance of prayer and how followers worship God. We will learn about some of the celebrations in a synagogue.
BBC Bitesize - What is Judaism? BBC Class Clips - The Torah BBC Class Clips - What is a Bat Mitzvah? BBC Class Clips - Life as a Jewish boy Britannica Kids - Judaism Primary Homework Help - Judaism
Homework is set every Friday to be returned the following Thursday.
Here are some interesting and creative tasks you could complete based on our ‘Hola Mexico’ topic. Bring them in to school when you have completed one or more of them.
Other useful websites:
The children have individual logins for these websites in their reading diaries.
TT Rockstars Accelerated Reader - Quizzes MyOn - Online books and audiobooks