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Twin Oaks Primary School

School Uniform

It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events outside normal school hours. We ask children to wear their shirts tucked into their skirts or trousers/shorts, and to take a pride in their personal appearance. All school unform and P.E. kit MUST be named. Children can become upset as a result of lost clothing, please help by naming everything. 

Our policy on school uniform is based on the belief that school uniform:

  • identifies the children with the school;
  • instils a sense of pride in themselves and the school;  
  • engenders a feeling of community and belonging;  
  • is practical, smart and good value for money;   
  • makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;  
  • has been designed with health and safety in mind.

TOPS Uniform Policy

School uniform can be bought, at very competitive prices, from any high street retailer including supermarkets. Items with the school logo on can be purchased online from our school wear supplier Mapac and either delivered to home for a delivery fee or to school for no delivery charge on regular delivery dates.

A complete list of the items needed for school uniform including those for Physical Education, is below.

  • Plain black or grey skirt/pinafore dress/shorts/trousers or blue and white checked or striped dresses
  • White blouse, collared shirt or polo shirts
  • Blue jumper or cardigan, with or without the Twin Oaks logo
  • Black, navy or grey socks or tights
  • Black shoes

Shoes should be flat, black and appropriate for school. Your child should wear shoes which he or she can manage to do up independently. Please do not send your child to school in shoes which prevent them from running in the playground. 

P.E. Kit

Children need a change of clothes and footwear for P.E (for health and hygiene reasons) and a bag in which to keep the kit at school.

  • shorts
  • T-shirt
  • a pair of plimsolls – Velcro or other similarly easy fastenings are essential for younger children jogging bottoms for outdoor lessons in cold weather.

Uniform with the school logo on can be purchased from the Mapac, our online supplier by the following link Mapac uniform supplier link Instructions for ordering

Any issues with ordering please contact Mapac customer services on 01923  255525.

Second hand Uniform: 

This is available from the school office and at PTA events. We accept donations of clean preloved uniform that is in good condition. Please visit the school office ideally outside the drop off and pick up times.