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Twin Oaks Primary School

Results of our parent surveys

Survey opened 15/7/24  Survey closed 28/9/24  Last response 26/7/24

Survey link sent in letter, on newsletter and via text 

28 responses



Strongly Agree


Neither agree not disagree


Don’t know/can’t answer

My child is happy at Twin Oaks






My child feels listened to and safe at Twin Oaks






The curriculum at twin Oaks engages my child






The school deals appropriately with bullying





My child has had no experience of bullying 18%

My child is progressing well in school






My child is well supported in their learning at school






School communicates with me well about activities and events






I find it easy as a parent/carer to approach the school with questions or concerns








I would recommend the school to others











Our school

93% of respondents would recommend our school to a friend

What works well

Suggestions for improvements

What are we going to do?

Communication and updates on anything that goes on

Taking more responsibility of children with bad behaviour

There are always children who find things more challenging than others whether this is with their learning or their behaviour.  We strive to work in partnership with parents so that we can support their children to do the best they can in school.  If there are specific concerns please speak to members of staff who can reassure you, but please be aware we are unable to discuss children with anyone other than the child’s parents or those that hold parental responsibility for them

Working out what SEN children need to help them learn

More class trips

We will work as a staff team to look at developing this area of our provision.

Diversity and communication

In sport time , it would be better the children bring their own sports clothes

Children should be bringing a PE kit to school.  For younger children we suggest bringing it in at the start of each half term and taking it home at a holiday.  For the older children we suggest bringing it in on a Monday and taking it home on a Friday each week.

Teaching and discipline

More fun things in the playground.

We are continually working to develop the activities for children in the playground.  The mud kitchen and sandpit are some of our most recent things.  We will continue to work as a staff team to develop our lunch time and playtime provision and would like to invite you in to see what we do.  Keep yours eyes out for invitations to play!

Letting you know if your child has hurt themselves so you know what to expect and not be shocked when you pick them up and communication is great between the school and parent

More food choices

The school kitchen has a varied menu which changes three times a year.  We are working with the catering team to continue to provide further choice for children, but there are some restrictions around what we are allowed to offer.  Please see menus on our website so you know what choices are on offer each day.  https://www.twinoaks.lewisham.sch.uk/Parents-Info/School-Dinners/

Keeping children safe

More after school clubs

We are striving to offer as wide a variety of clubs as possible.  Sometimes we offer clubs but do not get sufficient uptake to be able to run them.  We will continue to look for more opportunities.  See our current offer on our website here https://www.twinoaks.lewisham.sch.uk/Parents-Info/After-School-Clubs/ If you have requests please come in and talk to us and we will see what we can do!

Communicating any issues with my children



Effective communication



Reading, Maths.



Working as a team to support the children.



Handling any parent concerns and ensuring things are followed through



I feel that everything is good from the education to the learning.



Your school is exemplary in supporting and kindness of its staffs and teachers . Even though the school is far from our home recently , I am still unwilling to move my don to a closer school. We have about an hour of walking every day for the commute (round trip). Nevertheless , I still prefer your school . Thank you for everything .






Making events fun for kids



Helping students



Feel like every one involved



Support in school

100% of respondents agreed that their child is progressing well in school and is well supported,  61% of respondents strongly agreed that their child is progressing well and 50% strongly agreed that their child was well supported.

What works well

Suggestions for improvements

What are we going to do?

You go above and beyond, daily. I couldn't ask for better support.

I would like him to be engaged in more group activities to help strengthen his team skills

Team work is an important skill for all children adn we endeavour to weave this into the activities we teach.  Please speak t class teachers about the curriculum and ways of working in individual classes as it is different depending on the ages of the children.

My child is fine with the level of support you give her

With more homework based on writing

This is a good suggestion, we will work as s staff team to do this. Meet the teacher meetings held at the start of term will give you ideas of how to support your child at home with additional activities too.  Please check class pages on the website for information from these meetings.


By helping with work

Teachers and TAs work with all children in the classroom to support them with their learning.  We know that learning works best when children are challenged and pushed slightly out of their comfort zones so we make sure we offer challenge and don’t intervene too quickly,  


Need more assistance teachers

Sadly with budget cuts we are unable to afford any more staff than we currently employ.



Our curriculum

100% of respondents agreed that the curriculum at Twin Oaks engages their child.  43% of respondents strongly agreed.


What works well

Suggestions for improvements

What are we going to do?

The curriculum there is fine

More Sports events

There are a lot of sporting events that children attend both in school and out of school, in curriculum time and through after school clubs.  Most of the off site competitions are for the children in Year 3 and above.  Please see our newsletters for regular updates about our sporting activities.  We will think about ways we can involve the younger children in more events and are looking at extending our after school club provision for the younger children.

The curriculum is very broad already.

Keeping an eye the children while they play outside in the playground.

We have a dedicated team of staff who work outside at both playtime and lunchtime.  Children can spot them easily in their bright orange vests.  Sam is in charge of lunchtimes and is around to support staff and children.  If there are specific incidents please talk to class teachers so that these can be addressed quickly.  


Let parents know how many dojos children have

If you have any queries about your child’s progress academically or with their behaviour please speak to class teachers who will happily share this information with you.  Teachers are available to meet parents after school every day and if you require a longer meeting, please just ask for one!



Contact with parents

90% of respondents agreed that school communicates well with parents about activities and events, The rest neither agreed nor disagreed or did not know.

We asked how best to communicate with parents and most people agreed that a combination of text messages, emails and letters.  Face to face communication is always available so please do speak to members of staff either before or after school.  Teachers are available on the playground at the end of the day and senior staff are on the gates each morning and afternoon,

Suggestions for improvements

What are we going to do?

A reminder on holiday days, midterm etc and resumption would be appreciated.

We publish our term dates for the year on the website https://www.twinoaks.lewisham.sch.uk/Parents-Info-1/ They are also on the calendar https://www.twinoaks.lewisham.sch.uk/Calendar/ and there are regular reminders on our Newsletter which is emailed to parents weekly and also on our website here https://www.twinoaks.lewisham.sch.uk/News/Newsletters/

We also try and add reminders to the pop up box that appears on our website, so please do keep checking!   

Events in school

Every respondent had been to at least one school event with sports days and class assemblies being the most popular. 

What events would you like to see?

What are we going to do?

I feel there should do sport day twice a year to encourage the children that not keen with sports

We do lots of different sporting events throughout the year to promote sports.  Every class has 2 lessons a week with Martin and there are lots of opportunities for children from Year 3 upwards to take part in tournaments and competitions.    We will think about ways we can involve the younger children in more events

To teach our kids about money economy and society

This is a good suggestion, we will see what we can do!

Mathematics event

Another good suggestion.  Leave it with us! 

Meeting the teacher for the next year so you as a parent know who the new teacher will be in the coming year

We do meet the teacher meetings in September so that you can get to know the teachers and the expectations and we send letters home about who new teachers will be in July.  Children get to meet the teacher in July so they are clear about who they are,  but signposting parents to new teachers is a great suggestion, we will see how we can do this. 


The festival of Easter is covered in our curriculum through RE teaching.  As yet we have done nothing special as a school for this festival, we will see what we can do.

I would love to see another Quiz night

So would we, we’ll get on this!

Christmas Fair

We really need more people signed up to support the PTFA to ensure these events can go ahead.  Without lots of parents on board these events can’t happen.  If you would like to help us please leave your name at the office and we will put you in touch with our PTA. 

Art workshop

Great suggestion, we’ll see what we can do.