Relationships education
As a school, we feel that teaching children about relationships and health is vital for their wellbeing, happiness and safety.
We are working with a programme called Jigsaw to support us to deliver high quality, researched lessons to support our children learn about themselves, their relationships and their health at age appropriate levels throughout their time with us in school.
We feel it is important that all children have a space space to talk about their feelings, worries and concerns and that school and parents work closely together to ensure children have this.
We invited all parents to a meeting to discuss our curriculum and policy which we held on Wednesday March 24th 2021.
We opened a parents' survey so that we could collect the views of parents and carers and we took these into consideration before finalising our policy.
Our policy was initially agreed by our governors in May 2021. It is then reviewed regularly.
Before the half term holiday in May, we hold meetings for all parents of children from Years 3-6 to share the Change Me topic and lesson plans so that parents are clear as to what is being taught in the last half term of the year. Please look out for letters about these meetings.
If you would like to look at any of the documents relating to our curriculum please see below
Powerpoint from Parents' meeting
Jigsaw guide to RSE for parents
Jigsaw curriculum guide for parents
If you would like to know more about the Jigsaw curriculum click here:
“…consultation does not provide a parental veto on curriculum content. We want schools to consult parents, listen to their views, and make reasonable decisions about how to proceed (including through consideration of school’s wider duties)—and we (the Dfe) will support schools in this. We trust school leaders and teachers to make the right professional choices….children should feel included and should grow up understanding the value and importance of kindness and respect for others and themselves…”
Rt Hon Damian Hinds 10th April 2019