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Twin Oaks Primary School



At Twin Oaks, we want children to develop a love for reading and writing by offering them a range of exciting opportunities and teaching strategies.  High quality texts are used to stimulate the children’s imagination and develop their love of English.  Drama, film and speaking and listening activities are all used to enhance their writing skills.

Teachers cover the National Curriculum expectations by providing broad and balanced opportunities for pupils to read and write across a range of genres and demonstrate mastery of skills over time.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation skills are taught explicitly in each year group and children are then able to apply these to their writing.

Opportunities to read are provided every day and children have dedicated time during the week to develop their reading and comprehension skills. 


Phonics is taught every day in Early Years and Key Stage 1, following the Read, Write, Inc. programme. Lessons are fully interactive and learning is enhanced through the use of songs, actions and games. 

The Read Write Inc programme also supports children's early reading throughout Key Stage 1, with books clearly linked to children's developing phonics knowledge being used. 

More information and parental support regarding phonics can be found here: https://www.twinoaks.lewisham.sch.uk/Phonics-support-for-parents/