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Twin Oaks Primary School

Our Curriculum

At Twin Oaks, we are committed to delivering a broad, balanced and rich curriculum.  

Pupils will have many opportunities to build on previous learning and apply their English and Mathematics skills to become effective communicators and problem solvers.

The curriculum is based on the following key principles. 

  • Basic skills are the basis of all curriculum success 
  • A wide and rich curriculum experience should be the cornerstone of learner development.
  • High standards should be expected and modelled in all aspects of our curriculum work

If you have questions about the curriculum that your child is following please speak to your child's class teacher, Karen Cartwright, our Headteacher or Amy Langridge the Deputy Headteacher.

Click on the menu on the right to see further details about our curriculum.

 Full details of our Remote Learning offer can be accessed here
For details about how our curriculum is accessible for those with Special Educational Needs or disabilities please see here 

Parents have the statutory right under Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to request their child/ren are wholly or partly excused from:

  • RE lessons in accordance with the schools’ basic curriculum

  • Acts of Collective Worship in schools

As parents, you do not have to provide a reason for requesting the withdrawal. However before exercising any right of withdrawal we would recommend you discuss your concerns with Miss Cartwright our Headteacher.
Please note that child/ren may also encounter religions and beliefs and wider aspects of faith in other areas of the National Curriculum, such as art, history or Geography from which there is no right of withdrawal.