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Twin Oaks Primary School

Little Acorns

Little Acorns is our after-school club.  It runs from the main school building and collection is from the same entrance as breakfast club, the entrance on Grinstead Road. The club is staffed by current members of staff from our school.


Little Acorns After School Club

3.30 pm – 6.00 pm

£60 per week, per child (£12.00 per day, Siblings £10 per day).

Activities are planned to support the children and based on their likes and needs. 

Children are able to use the outside space as much as possible and are encouraged to flow between the indoor and outdoor area.

Children can take advantage of the school facilities including the climbing apparatus and the football cage as soon as it is available after school.

Timetabled activities are also available such as the use of equipment such as skipping ropes and sports equipment.

Parents can pick up their child at any time between 3.30 and 6pm.

All children must be signed out by an adult over 16 who is named on that child’s registration form.

A snack is available for children on a rolling snack basis so children can decide when to eat. Healthy Eating Guidelines are followed, and food includes hot and cold snacks and fruit and yoghurt every day.  The children are encouraged to sit down together for a social snack.

If children wish to take part in one of our other after school curriculum clubs, they can be collected by a member of the after-school club team and taken directly to Little Acorns.  Snacks are available for these children. 

Staff can be contacted on the after school club phone which is 07538 842694 only between 3:30 and 6pm.


**Please note: all Twin Oaks school clubs are nut-free zones.**


Little Acorns After School Club snacks: available each day but on rotation:


  • Beans, spaghetti, eggs on toast
  • Toasties, wraps, bagels, waffles, pancakes
  • Cheese, ham, chicken
  • Pizza and pasta
  • Minimum of 2 fruits daily
  • Yogurts daily


Little Acorns After School Club joining letter