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Twin Oaks Primary School

A guide to online safety for children

 Good tips

* Never give out personal details like your address or phone number or where you go to school.

* Keep your passwords secret (but make sure your parents or carers know what they are).

* Never arrange to meet anyone that you have started talking to online unless you have checked with your parents or carers that it is safe.

* If someone says something online that you don't like, is rude or makes you uncomfortable; don't reply and make sure you talk to someone about it.

* Don't send pictures of yourself over the internet unless you have checked these out with a parent or carer.


If you are worried about something online....  

If you are worried about something that someone has said or done on the internet then it's really important that you tell someone about it.

 If a friend tells you about something that has happened to them on the internet and you are worried about it, talk to someone else.  There are always people who will listen and help.  



Have a look at these great resources from Think U Know




If it happens in school - REPORT IT!


We work really hard to keep you safe at school and you shouldn't be able to access anything that is unsuitable for you.

The internet moves really fast and sometimes things slip through our filters.  If this happens it is important that you report it straight away.

If you have a real worry that needs reporting to the police, click the button blow to fill in the online form and report straight to CEOPs.